2021-2022 INBRE Scholars (MSU)
Student Project Title Mentor Program
Noah Adams A high-throughput cytometric assay to determine the phagocytotic ability of alveolar macrophages post Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae infection Diane Bimczok INBRE Scholar - Biomedial
William Baker Voltage Clamp Fluorimetry May Yield New Insight into the Voltage Dependent Behavior of Voltage-Sensing Phosphatase Susy Kohout INBRE Scholar - Biomedial
Catherine Bauer Isolation of Nitrate-dependent Iron Oxidation Bacteria from a Canadian Coal Mine for Reduction of the Toxin Selenium Brent Peyton INBRE Scholar - Biomedial
Owen Burroughs Potential Mechanisms for the SaeR/S Two-Component System in Staphylococcus aureus Jovanka Voyich INBRE Scholar - Biomedial
Leah Davidson Determining the impact of local bone tissue strain on osteocyte lacunar remodeling Chelsea Heveran Visiting Scholar
Camryn DuBois Influence of Multitasking Ability and Changes of Sensory Information on Walking Stability Scott Monfort INBRE Scholar - Biomedial
Matt Fisher Characterization and Differentiation of Catalytic Activity of Voltage Sensing Phosphatases Susy Kohout INBRE Scholar - Biomedial
Laina Hall Characterizing the cyclic oligonucleotide signaling pathway of the Type III CRISPR-Cas system from Thermus thermophilus Blake Wiedenheft INBRE Scholar - Biomedial
Trajan Hill Sleep Hygiene Within Indigenous Communities (Continuation) Suzanne Held INBRE Scholar - Public Health
Darien Kadriu The effects of Biogenic Amines in the biofilm formation and density of Gardnerella species. Carl Yeoman INBRE Scholar - Biomedial
Conner Killeen Quantifying Functional Electrical Activity of Neurons Cultured with Nanomagnetic Particles Influenced by Various Magnetic Force Patterns Anja Kunze INBRE Scholar - Biomedial
Pushya Krishna De Novo Identification of CRISPR Leader Motifs Blake Wiedenheft INBRE Scholar - Biomedial
Jessica Kudelski Gallatin Valley Farm To School Impact Brianna Routh INBRE Scholar - Public Health
Margaret Kulus Host-derived Polymer "Shield" as a Mechanism for Immune Evasion by Nascent S. aureus Biofilms Phil Stewart INBRE Scholar - Biomedial
Brodie Light Magnetically Enhanced Viral Transduction for Tissue Engineering Anja Kunze SEPA
Evan Martin Translation of bulk AST to drop-based antibiotic testing methods Connie Chang INBRE Scholar - Biomedial
Madeline Metcalf Health Fair for the Montana Latinx Population Sally Moyce INBRE Scholar - Public Health
Alessandra Miller The Impacts of IKBKAP Gene Deletion on the Neuroimmune System of the Gastrointestinal Tract Frances Lefcort INBRE Scholar - Biomedial
Maya Moody Determining the Influence of High Fat Diet on Osteocyte Viability and Bone Remodeling Chelsea Heveran INBRE Scholar - Biomedial
Gwendolyn Mueller Breaking Voltage Sensing Phosphatase Dimers Susy Kohout INBRE Scholar - Biomedial
Samantha Old Elk Silver Diamine Fluoride Awareness in Rural Communities Laura Larsson INBRE Scholar - Public Health
Alexi Panos Solving the 3D Structure of the First Known Methanogenic Aminotransferase Enzymes Martin Lawrence INBRE Scholar - Biomedial
Jesse Rector Long-Term Fluorescent Neuronal Calcium Imaging with Magnetic Nanoparticles Anja Kunze INBRE Scholar - Biomedial
Matthew Robinett Determining Signal Quality of High Density Surface Electromyography Sensors in Optimal and Sub-Optimal Positions Corey Pew Visiting Scholar
Julia Roemer Determining the cellular interaction required for IFNAR2-regulated damage and fungal clearance by myeloid cells Kelly Shepardson INBRE Scholar - Biomedial
Ari Romberg The Biochemical Degradation of Polyethylene Terephthalate, Plastic #1: Investigating DCD dehydrogenase Jennifer DuBois INBRE Scholar - Biomedial
Mayuri Singh Double Charge Switch Magnetic Beads for Rapid Isolation and Elution of Small Nucleic Acids Stephanie McCalla INBRE Scholar - Biomedial
David Skwarchuk Evaluating Tissue Specific Gene Expression Patterns in Novel Bat Gastrointestinal Organoids. Diane Bimczok INBRE Scholar - Biomedial
Olivia Smith The Feasibility of a Screening Program for Food Insecure Patients in Southwest Montana Carmen Byker-Shanks INBRE Scholar - Public Health
Sophia Thompson Exploring  Nursing Student’s Health Anxiety During the COVID-19 Pandemic Sally Moyce INBRE Scholar - Public Health
Connie Watt The Use of Pseudovirus Assay to Measure Antibody that Neutralizes SARS-CoV-2 Seth Pincus INBRE Scholar - Biomedial
Trenton Wolfe The Role of the Microbiome in the Arsenic Detoxification Process Seth Walk SEPA
Elijah Wray Refining and Expanding on a DNA Amplification Model for Disease Detection Tomas Gedeon INBRE Scholar - Biomedial


2016-2017 Graduate Fellowships
Student Institution Department Research Focus
Robert Dorsey MSU Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Healthcare improvement on Native American reservations
Cheryl Polacek MSU Education American Indian Tribal College Student Perceptions of Predominantly White Institutions: A Qualitative Study
Deb Laveaux MSU Education, Health and Human Development Environmental Health Literacy and Youth as Agents of Change in Communities
Dionne Zoanni MSU Earth Sciences Traditional ecological knowledge and tribal water governance on Fort Peck Reservation, Montana.
2016 Summer Undergraduate Research Program Participants

Faculty Sponsor
Research Question / Topic
Nathan Blaseg
Microbiology & Immunology
Douglas Kominsky
The Role of IFN-y Induced IL-10R1 Expression in Restitution of Epithelial Barrier Function during Intestinal Inflammation
Hanbyul (Hannah) Cho
Microbiology & Immunology
Aga Rynda-Apple
Determining Composition of Lung Microbiota after respiratory bacterial infection
DeLancey Doty
Cell Biology & Neuroscience
Seth Walk
A Clinical Epidemiologic Study of Clostridium difficile infection at the University of Chicago Hospital
Brittney Forsman
Microbiology & Immunology
Blake Wiedenheft
Determining the Mechanism of Detecting and Destroying Foreign DNA
Coy Harwood
Microbiology & Immunology
Aga Rynda-Apple
Understanding the sequence of host susceptibility to post-influenza secondary bacterial infections
Sierra Higheagle
Molecular Bioscience
Jovanka Voyich
Investigating gene expression related to the two-component SaeR/S regulatory system of Staphylococcus aureus
Zane Huttinga
Mathematical Sciences
Tomas Gedeon
Switching Models with mRNA for Certain Networks Implicated in Cancer
Nicole Korte
Cell Biology & Neuroscience
Susy Kohout
Lipid-Binding Properties of the C2 Domain of Ci-VSP
Hania Koziol
Chemical & Biological Engineering
Renee Reijo Pera
Montana-Based Inquiry into Neurodegeneration: Engrailed Proteins and Parkinson's Disease
Kim Lantrip
Blake Wiedenheft
Isolating Proteins that neutralize the Adaptive Immune System in Bacteria
Gabrielle Law
Chemistry & Biochemistry
Matthew Taylor
Quantifying Mutational Change during Neuroinvasive Herpes Simplex Virus Infection
Nina Paris
Chemistry & Biochemistry   
Brian Bothner
MALDI-IMS Analysis of Lipid Content in E. Coli and Human Skeletal Muscle Cells in Environments of Varying Oxygen Levels
Katheryn Perea
Carl Yeoman
Analyzing digestive flora as a means of assessing sheep growth
Shawna Pratt
Chemical & Biological Engineering
Connie CHang
Microfluidic Sorting of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Subpopulations
Paul Puettmann
Cell Biology & Neuroscience
Roger Bradley
NFPC in the Neural Tube
Tanner Robison
Chemical & Biological Engineering
Jovanka Voyich
Identifying neutrophil components recognized by the extracellular residues of the sensory kinase SaeS of Staphylococcus aureus
Kaitlyn See
Microbiology & Immunology
Christa Merzdorf
How Aquaporins Affect Noncanonical Wnt Signaling Pathways
Marisa Sewell
Cell Biology & Neuroscience
Diane Bimczok
Culture of human dendritic cells with Norovirus in a mucosal model

Veronika Shchepetkina


Cell Biology & Neuroscience
Frances Lefcort
Investigation of brain development in a mouse model for Familial Dysautonomia
Karen Stengel
Cell Biology & Neuroscience 
Susy Kohout
Comparison of the Voltage Sensitive Phosphatase in Vertebrate Species
Jackson Toth
Chemistry & Biochemistry  
Brian Bothner
Quantitative Metabolomic Analysis of A. baumannii and S. aureus Biofilms
Theodore Warthen
Cell Biology & Neuroscience 
Christa Merzdorf
Analysis of the gap junctions involve in neurulation and gastrulation of Xenopus laevis
2016-2017 Undergraduate Researchers (MSU)
Faculty Sponsor
Research Question / Topic
 Jenna Blair
Exercise Science
Kalli Decker
Early Intervention Service Providers' Day-To-Day Practices with Children and Families 
Will Dumm
Mathematical Sciences
Bree Cummins
Modeling disease transmission: Incorporating family cliques in exponential random graphs
Alexandra Feigel
Health & Human Development
Kalli Decker
Quantities of Adult Language and How it Affects Child Language Development
Zane Huttinga
Mathematical Sciences
Tomas Gedeon
Global Dynamics of Extensions of Switching Models for Biological Systems
Derek Judge
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Anja Kunze
Magnetic Gradient Optimization of Magnetic Elements on a Chip for Neuron Polarity Manipulation
Debra Kraner
Sustainable Foods & Bioenergy System
Selena Ahmed
Impacts of Environmental and Management Factors on the Functional Quality of a Traditional Chinese Medicinal Plant: Case Study of Jobs Tears Coix lacryma-jobi
Ian LaCroix
Chemistry & Biochemistry
Tomas Gedeon
Real Time Metabolomics and Applied Dynamics
Nada Naser
Chemical & Biological Engineering
Joseph Menicucci
Synthesis and Materials Testing of Selenium Nanoparticle-coated Bone Cement
Dean Ricker
Chemical & Biological Engineering
Christa Merzdorf
Does aquaporin 3b affect the number of calcium waves in the neural plate of Xenopus laevis embryos?
Nathan Sickler
Microbiology & Immunology
Jamie Sherman
Beta-glucans and Anthocyanins in Barley for Human Food
Katie Sutton
Sustainable Foods & Bioenergy System
Florence Dunkel
Building Resilient Community Members: A Survey that Examines Self-efficacy via Perceptions of Resources Available, Job Opportunities and Barriers to Future Aspirations in Small Montana Communities
Abigail Van Vuren
Martin Teintze
Characterization of the Activity of 18B-Glyccerhetinic Acid Against MRSA Biofilms
2016-2017 Undergraduate Public Health Interns (MSU)
Community Partner
Research Question / Topic
Laura Evans
University Studies
Melenie Duval, Gallatin County Lactation Education Program
Utilizing Department of Family Services home-visit data to analyze breastfeeding rates for at-risk families
Annsarah Exe
Cell Biology & Neuroscience
Darcy Hunter, Gallatin County Dept. of Health WIC Program
Normalizing breastfeeding on the MSU-Bozeman campus
Imashi Fernando
Food & Nutrition (Dietetics)
Melenie Duval, Gallatin County Lactation Education Program
Normalizing breastfeeding in Gallatin County
Gretchen Groves
Food & Nutrition (Dietetics)
Carmen Byker Shanks, MSU Food & Health Lab
Evaluating SNAP recipients' use of the Gallatin Valley Farmers Market
Ellen Guyer
Cell Biology & Neuroscience
Stephanie McDowell, BridgerCare
Using research on child welfare to better direct resources and educate policy makers about current needs facing children and families in Montana
Dani Hess
Community Health
Carmen Byker, Health and Human Development
Understanding health awareness and connection with healthcare resources among Gallatin Valley Latino community: a Promotoras de Salud approach.
Jen Mikkelson
Sustainable Foods
Jill Holder, Gallatin Valley Food Bank
Collaborating with local social service, community service, and corrections agencies to teach low-income, at-risk youth about gardening and nutritious food
Max Parelius
Hispanic Studies
Kristin Juliar, AHEC/MORH
Health & Wellness Profiles around Montana: Evidence-based community health needs assessments
Justin Roberts
Bethel Erickson-Bruce, Gallatin Valley Food Bank
Using research on ecologically-friendly gardening practices to maximize crop yields, minimize human labor, and ensure project sustainability
Luke Shealy
Food & Nutrition (Dietetics)
Carmen Byker Shanks, MSU Food & Health Lab
Evaluating SNAP recipients' use of the Gallatin Valley Farmers Market
Samantha Starr
Stephanie McDowell, Bridgercare Clinics
What steps can Bridgercare Clinic take to increase use and awareness of Long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs)?
Rachel Ulrich
Laura Hildreth & Lillian Lin, MSU Math Department & SCRS
Statistical analysis of Alzheimer's and Dementia: Looking Back to Look Forward
Reisa Walker
Laura Larson, MSU Nursing Faculty
Improving oral health literacy of families and caregivers by creating, distributing and measuring effectivness of information about infant oral health through Northern Cheyenne tribal community health care and child care agencies.